You know how people always tell you to read the fine print whenever you sign any contract? In many cases, nobody really does read the fine print and the business relationship is then therefore based on trust. But this isn't the case when it comes to leasing cars. In this kind of transaction, if you want to spend less in the long run, it's really important to read the fine print to see what hidden charges there might be after you sign up with a dealer.
It's a really simple formula: if you don't read the fine print then the deal will definitely not be for you. The point about negotiating a car lease deal is to control the transaction in its entirety as much as possible. If you do not read the fine print, you are bound to be misled about the deal you are getting into and you will most probably pay more than you originally thought you would. It's tougher to lease but if you get the negotiation and transaction right, it's a whole lot cheaper. Bottom line: Read The Fine Print!