Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Removing That Pest of a Car Smell

Cars have so much demands for maintenance that even men of hard labor would waver, doubting of owning one. From the car’s wheels, windshield, up to the minutest elements you see on the car’s carpet, this needs a lot of looking after, baby-sitting, you may say so.
There’s one culprit that women drivers may find more disgusting than men do, especially if they’re the rugged-looking, ranger-type guys. This nightmare goes by the name “smell.” Most cars need more tidying up every day; the car’s interior usually falls victim to drink spills, coffee marks, even lipstick marks; it’s also the most littered part of the car, more than the trunk. Hence, when you say there’s a bad smell, more often than not it’s not the cow dung outside the window, especially if it’s closed; it’s from that old brown paper bag right under your seat. And most probably that’s a two-week-old sandwich that you just forgot to throw. Sounds familiar, right?
So top advice to lose that nostril-tingling smell inside your car is, clean up, throw out, and wipe up. Rinse if need be. You can simply grab all plastic bags, paper bags, unnecessary items from inside the car out. Next is to vacuum the carpets, car seats, and any mats found in the car. When this is done, you can make use of a soft-smelling air freshener to give out a healthy and clean car environment. Another thing to contend with in the car’s interior is the stains, more particularly the removing aspect of it. If it entails you to be on all fours wiping off the stain on the carpet with a stain remover for upholstery, you need to do that. If this is done and all windows are rolled down for fresh air to come in and still the smell persists, then get your car detailed by a professional mechanic. They will be cleaning your car from inside out and leave it spic-and-span and smelling good too.
Removing a funny smell from a car is not fun at all, nor is it easy; but someone’s got to do it.

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